February 2012 Programs
Artistic Playtime: Creative Ritual Winter Series | Collage Date Night for YOU!
6week Series: Intensive SELF Care
4week Series: Mantras & Affirmations
Self Guided Stations: Life List | Energetic Love Letters | Postcards from
my Soul
Community Collaboration: Love on a Global Scale
Please reserve your space :
thedivinelifeplayhouse@kastlekey.com| or call The Divine Life Playhouse 615.258.41011
January Calendar | February Calendar | March Calendar | April Calendar
May Calendar | June Calendar | July Calendar | August Calendar | September Calendar | October Calendar
November Calendar | December Calendar
Regular Programs
Self Guided Stations of Exploration offered at the Suggested Exchange of $5-$10 per session
Mini Retreats & Artistic Playtimes
Community Collaborations in the neighborhood on a regular basis
Retreats on the Road & Private Retreats available by appointment - All of our programs can be scheduled for individuals or groups.
Themes of Exploration Throughout the Year
Each month The Divine Playhouse offers opportunities for playful explorartion and discovery around a central theme.
The main Gallery Space has various Stations of Exploration installed on a monthly rotating schedule.
future anticipated activities include....